
Twitch Rivals

"Twitch Rivals" is a 2D animation created for a Twitch Rivals event sponsored by Samsung Mobile. It combines event footage with colorful transitions and detailed geometric patterns, resulting in an engaging social post that highlights the event's excitement and Samsung Mobile's innovation.
Social Media

Z Flip Post

Check out our new Z Flip ad! We used After Effects, Mocha, and DaVinci Resolve for a polished look, including backdrop cleaning, rotoscoping, text animations, editing, and color grading. The result? A sleek showcase of the Z Flip's innovative features.
Motion Graphics

S21 Animation

Created a stunning 3D spin animation of the S21 to promote its alternative colors. Using 3D modeling software and After Effects, I showcased the phone's sleek design and vibrant color options, making each spin visually engaging and dynamic.
Social Media

S21 3d Animation

By using After Effects, we transformed 2D rendered stills into a dynamic 3D animation. Placing these stills in 3D space gave the visuals depth and movement, creating a captivating and immersive experience that highlights the innovative design of the S21.
Motion Graphics

Mystic Map Mayhem

Check out our kinetic text animation for "Mystic Map Mayhem," a Samsung Mobile-sponsored Twitch event! Using After Effects, we crafted dynamic motion graphics with bold text animations to capture the event's excitement.
UI Design & Motion

Video Call Demo

I helped concept, design, and time animations for a new Video Call feature demo displayed on mobile devices. I created the timing and storyboard for cross-device interactive demos and animated prototypes for Samsung Mobile stores and electronic retail stores like Best Buy.
UI Design & Motion

Copy & Paste Demo

I helped concept, design, and time animations for a new copy & paste feature demo displayed on mobile devices. I created the timing and storyboard for cross-device interactive demos and animated prototypes for Samsung Mobile stores and electronic retail stores like Best Buy.